
Books to support you after your course

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Books to support you after your course

After you’ve participated in one or more of my courses, you may be interested in reading more about the topics we’ve covered to deepen your understanding of the way we have been working.

I found reading books about various aspects of human potential really helpful, particularly when I was going through a tough time. Learning from the experience of authors who had experienced a similar journey to mine gave me hope that my life could change. And it did.

Reading books can help you process the work you’ve done on your Sunflower Effect Courses while you prepare for your next move.

But be aware that a book will not take you on that journey. This is time to look at the Follow-On Courses that I run or to come for an Individual Session. In which case, setting up a time to speak to me to review your progress and assess what’s your next step is a good way of moving forward.

After you’ve participated in one or more of my courses, you may be interested in reading more about the topics we’ve covered to deepen your understanding of the way we have been working.

I found reading books about various aspects of human potential really helpful, particularly when I was going through a tough time. Learning from the experience of authors who had experienced a similar journey to mine gave me hope that my life could change. And it did.

Reading books can help you process the work you’ve done on your Sunflower Effect Courses while you prepare for your next move.

But be aware that a book will not take you on that journey. This is time to look at the Follow-On Courses that I run or to come for an Individual Session. In which case, setting up a time to speak to me to review your progress and assess what’s your next step is a good way of moving forward.

Here is a series of books that you may like to consider. There are more books here.

From Wallflower to Sunflower – the quiet person’s path to natural self-confidence

by Claire Schrader (Paperback – 13 March 2017)

Reading my book after doing one of my courses, will help you to understand more about the process that you’ve been through.

You can sign up for a number of bonuses that will help you stay aligned with the practices within the course.

The final chapter gives you a blueprint for focusing on the things that will support you in becoming a fully blossomed sunflower—the person you’ve always wanted to be.

The book is highly practical, grounded in psychology and offers a step-by-step guide with proven strategies, practical tips, exercises and free online resources.

The Chimp Paradox

The Chimp Paradox: The Mind Management Programme to Help You Achieve Success, Confidence and Happiness

by Prof Steve Peters (Paperback – 5 Jan 2012)

This is a great book to read either during or after a course. In very simple terms, Prof Steve Peters helps you to understand how the different parts of your brain function,  how you can manage and overcome the Chimp/Critical Voice and create a more positive way of thinking.

He calls this primitive part of our brain, “the Chimp”, which is a much more accessible way of understanding this part of ourselves. Something we probably focused on intensely during your course.

I recommend this to all my participants because half the problem is the Critical Voice – which is constantly undermining your confidence and self-esteem. I refer to this extensively in my book: From Wallflower to Sunflower

Rewire Your Anxious Brain: How to Use the Neuroscience of Fear to End Anxiety, Panic and Worry

by Catherine M Pittman and Elizabeth M Kale

This book is highly recommended if you suffer from anxiety in any form, particularly after Finding Your Voice, where we will have been working intensely with anxiety.

It will help you to understand how anxiety is triggered through the amygdala in your brain and offers exercises that will help to overcome this. Their key strategies for overcoming anxiety is practised and built on in my courses, which is why they are so effective.

Combined with my courses and practising these exercises when your anxiety response is triggered, will help you to take control of anxiety in your life – and eventually get rid of it!

Molecules of Emotions

Molecules of Emotion: why you feel the way you feel

by Candace Pert (Paperback – 1 Mar 1999)

This is an excellent book for understanding how your emotions run you and what you can do about them. Candice Pert, a neuroscientist, also conveys scientific ideas in a way that even I can understand!

This is great support after any course where we have been working specifically with emotions.

I wrote an article inspired by her ideas, which will help to understand why working through the Sunflower Effect is so effective at dissolving the power of negative emotions. Article: The Curse of Emotions

Awakening the Heroes within

Awakening the Heroes Within: Twelve Archetypes to Help Us Find Ourselves and Transform Our World: Twelve Archetypes to Help Us Find Ourselves and Transform the World

by Carol S. Pearson (Paperback – 7 Jan 2016)

This is another book that I recommend to many of my clients. It has been a kind of Bible for me, helping me to understand what makes us tick and where we can get stuck through “Archetypes”—the cast of characters that live within us.

Carol Pearson is a Jungian – so you may find some of her language a little difficult but don’t let that put you off.  Do her questionnaire in the back of the book, which will help you to understand the archetypes that are most prominent in your life right now. Then look up the archetype descriptions.

Good sections to look at, are the Innocent, the Orphan, the Caretaker, the Destroyer, the Fool and the Magician.

Soul's Code Book

The Soul’s Code: In Search of Character and Calling

by James Hillman (Paperback – 2 Oct 1997)

James Hillman’s amazing book will help you look at some of the blockages and problems in your life in a completely different way. He turns upside down the idea that our early life experiences have blocked us from fulfilling our potential. He suggests that these blockages are actually just what we need to fulfil our deepest potential.

Hillman examined the lives of individuals who achieved amazing feats and how they overcame their initial disadvantages. The book will inspire you to move beyond blame into possibility.

Women who run with the wolves book

Women Who Run With The Wolves: Contacting the Power of the Wild Woman (Classic Edition)

by Clarissa Pinkola Estes (Paperback – 7 Feb 2008)

This is a book I recommend to many of my participants. Each chapter is inspired by a story and delves into each story to find universal truths. So, although a book written for women, essentially it is about claiming your “wild side” as a way of freeing yourself from the things that keep you living a “small life”, it’s equally applicable to men.

The two chapters I return to again and again is the on about the Ugly Duckling and importance of finding your “tribe”, and the chapter about intuition.


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