
How to book a free 15-minute consultation

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How to book a free 15-minute consultation

Everyone is individual, and has slightly different needs.

By setting up a 15-minute consultation, we can get to know you and what you’re struggling with and advise which course is going to suit you best.

Our conversation will be completely confidential and will not be revealed to a third party for any reason.

You will just need to fill in a form.

After clicking the button, select a date and time that suits you. It will either be with Claire or one of her team.

Then you will be asked to fill in a few details. Only email and telephone number is absolutely essential (required by the appointment system) so we can send a confirmation to you. And to call you.

Please make sure that these are accurate. You won’t get the confirmation if your email is incorrect.

And we won’t be able to call you if your mobile is wrong.

However, we will attempt to contact you to get the right details.

And it would really help us if you can tell us a little bit about yourself and what you are finding difficult. Your confidentiality is assured.

No pressure will be put on you to join one of our courses. And we will tell you if we don’t think our courses are a good fit for you.

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