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Not quite ready to join a course?

Perhaps you want to know more about the Sunflower Effect® and how it works.

Or you have some concerns about whether the Sunflower Effect Courses® will work for you.

You will find lots of information in our support documentation

Or maybe you just need time before you are ready to take your next step?

If so, I have a few suggestions.

Buy my book From Wallflower to Sunflower

If you are sick and tired of being a wallflower, this book will set you on a pathway of radical transformation to becoming the person you’ve always wanted to be.

From Wallflower to Sunflower offers a step-by-step guide with proven strategies, practical tips and exercises, as well as free online resources, to back up and intensify your experience of the book.

This will turn the book into a much more powerful transformation machine.

They include a number of experiential exercises, which will take you much deeper into your inner workings and make this book far more effective.

You are highly recommended to read the book in combination with participating in any of the Sunflower Effect Confidence Courses.

This will enable you to get more out of courses because you will understand more about how the Sunflower Effect® works, and therefore the methods used will make more sense to you.

Sign Up for our newsletter and get three free chapters from From Wallflower to Sunflower

In these chapters you’ll discover:

  • Why you’re not alone, and why more people are identifying themselves as wallflowers
  • The biggest mistake that wallflowers make when they’re trying to build confidence.
  • Discover the magic power to break old habits and create new patterns of confident behaviour.

You’ll also receive regular free resources, tips and support for your journey to greater confidence, as well as information about the Sunflower Effect Courses.

This will, too, enable you to stay in touch with us. Some people have remained on our mailing list for many years before they felt ready to take the plunge!

Stay in touch through my social media

Follow me on Facebook or Twitter to receive daily inspiration 5 days a week. Or if you prefer, connect with me through Linked In. Or check out my videos on YouTube.

Or do you have a tendency to put off getting started to make changes to your life?

Maybe this is a pattern? Are you sabotaging your progress?

Do get in touch if you need any help with getting started.

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