
What happens after the course or workshop has finished

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What happens after the course or workshop has finished

See What happens in a session for a description of what happens in a typical Sunflower Effect® session.

You can expect to see the most significant change after your course or workshop has finished.

You may have been aware of a lot of changes in your outside life by the time you get to the end of the course. But for most people, the weeks and months after the course has finished are when the real shifts take place.

This is the time when the magic begins to happen.

And for some people, this process goes on for many years.

You may find yourself doing things that previously felt impossible or out of character for you

The Changes You May Notice

  • You may be surprised to find yourself expressing yourself in a very different way from your normal behaviour – without even thinking about it. You are speaking up in groups; you are making new friends; you are going on dates.
  • Or you may feel so confident about yourself that you land the job you never expected to get.
  • Or you find yourself doing things that previously felt impossible or out of character for you.
  • You may find that depression or anxiety has lifted, or you feel differently about a situation that had previously felt insurmountable.

For the majority of our participants, their lives change dramatically after doing the courses. No longer the quiet one, they are suddenly in a new phase of their lives.

Most did not believe this would be possible when they joined the course.

I really did get unstuck and have turned my life around

It’s been just over a year since I finished the course and so much has happened.

I realised that I was unhappy living in London…so finally decided to move back home to Cornwall.

As soon as I made that decision everything else has fallen into place. I am moving to the most beautiful village in Cornwall, a place of many happy childhood memories.

I have decided to start my own chocolate business. And I have met the most wonderful man. He lives in the village, and is the most kind, caring, loving, supportive, creative and exciting person – and perfect for me!

I wanted to tell you because I truly believe that my time with you and the group changed my life in so many ways – I really did get unstuck and have turned my life around. It really does work!

Lindsay Stone, entrepreneur

I really did get unstuck and have turned my life around

It’s been just over a year since I finished the course and so much has happened. My life certainly stirred up when the course finished – I fell out with my best friend, finished the relationship I was in and realised that I was unhappy living in London…so finally decided last Easter to leave London and move back home to Cornwall.

As soon as I made that decision everything else has fallen into place. I am moving to the most beautiful village in Cornwall, a place of many happy childhood memories.

I have decided to start my own chocolate business. I have my first wedding to do in September and my former employer wants to be my first corporate customer for chocolate gifts.

And I have met the most wonderful man. He lives in the village, and is the most kind, caring, loving, supportive, creative and exciting person – and perfect for me! We complement each other well and make a great partnership. It is a totally different relationship to those I have had before, and I really believe we will be together for a long time. And I met him when I came home to tell my family about my chocolate idea.

I wanted to tell you because I truly believe that my time with you and the group changed my life in so many ways – I really did get unstuck and have turned my life around. It really does work!

A huge thank you for everything Claire, you and the rest of the group helped me get there.

Lindsay Stone, entrepreneur

How Change Happens

In fact, it’s not so surprising that this kind of change can take place. As you will have been working through story, using the language of the unconscious.

This enables change and healing to happen at a deep level within you.

It’s a bit like what happens under the earth in spring. What seems like a barren landscape suddenly bursts into life.

You are unable to see the germination process and the growth going on underground. As far as you’re concerned, it’s all grim and depressing.

The time after the course has finished is a bit like this.

Nothing seems to have happened until you wake up one morning and you feel happier and more like the “real you”.

See this personal story Emerging into the World.

These are some of the things participants have said after completing a course or workshop.

“I am believing in myself again.”

“I’m in an entirely new phase of my life, now I can let go of the past.”

“I am now aware of my inner voice.”

“I was able to show the world who I really am.”

“I am more open, willing to share vulnerable aspects of myself.”

“I have a profound sense of personal transcendence from the trap of my own way of thinking.”

“I am now letting go of anger.”

See also these success stories written by participants after completing the course.

Most of these reviews have been verified by Hotcourses, Findcourses or Google.

Or see these longer participant stories from our blog.

Be Patient

It may take a little time for you to achieve the result you want. This is particularly if you have had a lot of difficult experiences in your life or you are very shy, self-conscious or deeply introverted.

It will depend too on how you process change. Everyone is individual. Some people’s process is slower, and there may be a lot of factors involved.

But if you persist, you will start living the life you never thought was possible for you.

We run a programme of follow-up courses so you can keep progressing. Participants who attend a series of courses make the most significant change.

How does the Sunflower Effect achieve such significant shifts in people?

How to get started

How long does it take to build confidence

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