
Is the Sunflower Effect right for me?

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Is the Sunflower Effect right for me?

People of all ages, ethnicities, nationalities and walks of life have participated in the Sunflower Effect

Want to know if the Sunflower Effect Courses® are right for you?

Who gets the most out of the courses?

Or, what kind of people join the courses?

Will it work for you?

There is a very high success rate for people who attend the Sunflower Effect Courses®.

In fact, every person who completes the course sees a significant (if not dramatic) shift in their confidence levels which continues to grow after the course has finished. Even those who miss numerous sessions.

See what people say about the experience of participating – and the impact it has on their lives.

See: Is this you? A description of the kind of issues and problems that the Sunflower Effect® solves.

However, it does require some effort from you.

It isn’t easy to get out of your shell. You will know this if you’ve been on a long journey to build confidence, and nothing you’ve done has made a real change in how you express yourself in your life.

The Sunflower Effect® will be effective for you if:

  • You are ready to step out of your comfort zone and experience something new. You are committed to bringing about change in your life.
  • You are ready to make a commitment and to stick with it. Even if you’ve been disappointed in the past.
  • You are willing to invest in yourself. Investing in your own growth and development is going to pay off enormously long term. We also have a money-back guarantee to ensure that you don’t waste your money.

How to get the best results

At the Sunflower Effect® we believe growth does not need to be heavy or difficult.

The people who classically make the fastest progress are those that really challenge themselves whilst they are doing the course. This is the power of commitment. It’s one of the most powerful confidence builders out there. You will almost certainly see results if you are able to move through your doubts and uncertainties.

You will receive support and encouragement to move through the blocks to your confidence with gentleness and compassion for yourself.

Your progress may also be affected by the mental health aspect of the issues you start with. This may mean that your progress will be slower, and you will need to do more than one course. But you will make progress.

We see exceptional results from people who do a series of courses, and some people choose to do more than one course at a time.

We also notice that people who have read my book, From Wallflower to Sunflower, tend to get a lot more out of the course because they really understand how the course works and how to avoid the pitfalls.

What are the other people like?

There’s a very special bunch of people that come to the Sunflower Effect Courses®

Most people sign up because they are seriously motivated to bring about a change in their lives. Either because their work requires them to improve their confidence or because they’ve had enough of living their life on the sidelines.

They are the “I could never do anything like that – because it will be full of drama types who love to show off”.

Fortunately, these kinds of courses don’t attract the “show-off drama types”. Most have little or no experience of drama before coming to a Sunflower Effect Course® and are very nervous about the drama element.

Over time, they find drama a powerful way to free themselves of negative conditioning and mindsets.

It does, however, attract people who are willing to face their fears. In spite of the fact that they may have experienced many setbacks and struggles in the past.

Most comment on just how lovely the other people are and how quickly they feel at home and part of the group. The spirit of camaraderie between people and the sense of connection with other people is what makes the experience so heartwarming.

Without exception, the people who come to the courses are kind, generous and supportive of others. They are the kind of people who put others first before thinking of themselves.

There is a very wide ethnic mix of people who attend. And a very wide range of ages.

Most are drawn to the courses because they are positive, supportive and practical rather than focusing on problems.

Our mission

The Sunflower Effect Courses empower participants to believe they can create the life they want through uncovering and expressing their unique and authentic selves. See The Sunflower Manifesto

Who is it not for?

The Sunflower Effect Courses are designed for normal adults over 18.

If you are under 18, please get in touch to see if it’s possible for you to participate. In time, we plan to develop courses for younger people and children.

The courses are not designed for people who are going through a mental health crisis or who have significant vulnerabilities.

If you have a mental health diagnosis or history or have experienced any significant difficulties that you feel may affect your participation, please tell me about it when you sign up for a course.

It doesn’t mean you won’t be able to do the course. But be aware that it may take longer for you to achieve the results you are seeking.

If you have any doubt about your suitability for joining one of the courses, or want to talk to me about your individual situation please get in contact with me or set up a time to speak to me.

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