Breakthrough Confidence Course

Build confidence the fast, fun and easier way if you’re quiet, shy or an introvert


The Breakthrough Group

Build a natural self-confidence that feels like the “Real You”
Fast, effective and proven to overcome shyness, self-consciousness and anxiety
Designed for quiet, shy and introverted people

Break out of your shell and let go of what is blocking you

The Breakthrough Group will enable you to break out of your shell – no matter how inhibited or stuck you feel you are

It works through the Sunflower Effect, an adapted form of drama designed for people with no aptitude or interest in drama. 

The Sunflower Effect® gets right to the unconscious root of the issue and is also enormous fun. This is why it is more effective at building confidence than other approaches.

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How it works

The Breakthrough Group is based on my experiences of being a shy introvert and what really worked in getting me out of my shell. 

Drama was the last thing I wanted to do, but it worked.  And as a result I have achieved things I never would have dreamed possible.

The course has worked for the hundreds of people with confidence issues – many of whom have been struggling to make changes for many years.

They report the group quicker and more effective than any other approach they have tried. 

If you lack confidence because you’re too shy, self-conscious or anxious, this information will go into a bit more detail about how the course works.  

Is this course for you?

This course is for you if:

  • You want to break out of your shell. You may be an introvert, quiet, shy, reserved or have been through experiences that have caused you to retreat into your shell. You’re looking for a safe environment where you won’t be put under stress or pressure but are allowed to emerge at your own pace, and in your own way.
  • You want to stop feeling lonely and isolated from other people. You experience social anxiety or awkwardness. You want to get over your fear of groups and to stop driving people away from you and start attracting them towards you.
  • Others perceive you as being “too quiet“. You feel you are invisible to other people. You know you need to improve your performance in this area, i.e. be more outgoing at work in order to keep your job.
  • You have a tendency to bottle up your feelings or don’t express your feelings for fear of hurting other people. This may be creating tiredness, depression and feeling blocked/stuck.

Are you ready to break out of your shell and let go of what is holding you back?

If you know you need to break out of your shell if you’re going to live your life the way you want to? The next opportunity to join The Breakthrough Group is coming up.

The course is limited to 12 people, so you can build up a strong level of trust with a small group of people who are 100% in support of you making a significant breakthrough. 

This makes the group a very safe place to explore any area where you are stuck and work on the particular issues that are holding you back. 

Then watch your life transform in magical and unexpected ways as old emotional baggage and patterns simply melt away.

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The Sunflower Effect Courses are proven to work

The Sunflower Effect Courses® have worked for hundreds of gifted and reserved people, many of whom have struggled to make changes for years. They report that the courses are quicker and more effective than any other approach they have tried, and they have literally saved them thousands of pounds.

You have nothing to lose as we also offer a 100% money-back guarantee.

Want to understand more about how the Sunflower Effect Courses® work? See this 55-minute Facebook Live – Shyness the Way Out to understand better what you can expect from this course.

What participants have said about the Breakthrough Group

Most of these reviews are verified on Click the full review for a more detailed account of the participant’s experience of the course.

I really feel the course has been life-changing. 

I am able to enjoy life much more and I have improved my connections with friends, family, my girlfriend and my social groups, I get so much more out of each and every day.

Matthew, market research professional

I was sceptical at first...

It’s hard to sum up the benefits of the 12-week breakthrough course in a few sentences, but I really feel the course has been life-changing.

Before the course started, I was super anxious and felt uncomfortable in all aspects of my life, in my career, in my relationships and how I reacted to the world. I was very shy and stuck in a real rut, feeling isolated, helpless and small.

I was sceptical at first, but by committing myself to the programme, I have made better progress than I could have hoped for

Not only this, but I have gone through a transformative process with a group of people who were going through similar issues, which showed me that I was not alone. I was not the only one with these issues.

We have all grown together, supporting each other every step of the way and I am proud to call these people friends for life. By doing the course, I have experienced a real shift, I am able to enjoy life much more and I have improved my connections with friends, family, my girlfriend and my social groups, I get so much more out of each and every day.

Matthew, market research professional

I had tried everything 

I  had been suffering from social anxiety from a very young age. I had tried CBT, anger management therapy, hypnotherapy, past life regression therapy and went to see many psychologists.

This was the first-ever programme that actually managed to bring about a change in me. I have been feeling great ever since.

Stefan Baumann, student, Bradford

I had tried everything

I had been suffering from social anxiety from a very young age. I had tried CBT, Anger management therapy, Hypnotherapy, Past life regression therapy and went to see many psychologists but nothing really helped me.

The change and progress I made in the  Breakthrough Group was absolutely priceless.

This was the first-ever programme that actually managed to bring about a change in me, unlike every single other therapy programme that I had joined before.

The Breakthrough Group is a slow and steady process.  The important part is to stick to it and not to give up, because eventually there will a moment during the breakthrough where you will feel the change inside you and you will know that now you have the confidence to take the next step. 

In my case, this was when I spoke to the group for the first time – with me actually looking up and looking people in the eyes instead of just looking down. The first time I managed to do so, I could feel a change inside me, I felt a great sense of achievement.

I can say that this was the moment I realised that I can actually change myself, all it needs is a bit of time and effort.

I have been feeling great ever since.

Stefan Baumann, student, Bradford

I didn’t think it would work for me because I have too deep shyness

It may seem strange but I feel much more beautiful now, my inner voice which always used to criticise me has changed radically and this inner voice is now much more kind and nicer and has beautiful thoughts.

Joanne Vane, Analyst, London

I didn’t think it would work for me because I have too deep shyness

I wanted to participate in the Breakthrough Group to challenge myself and get rid of my shyness which was taking over my life. At first, I didn’t think it would work for me because I have too deep shyness.

I really enjoyed the different exercises in the first part of the course – working with the story, the ability to enter and become one of the characters. At the end of the first part, I was able to wake up in the morning and feel I was putting on the costume of the main character in the story and as a result I felt more confident to face the outside world.

I was able to explore myself in the course and how the shy Joanne is with other people, how I suppress myself when I don’t express my true nature. This was really good because I have never been able to see how deeply I react, how blocked I am within my shell.

I enjoyed being with people who have the same issues as me. I enjoyed working on the breakthrough of the others in the group, it was powerful. When it came to my breakthrough, I immediately knew that I needed to break my shell. Watching the others do their breakthrough and participating in them helped me to understand myself a little more. I understood that I am an introverted person and to accept myself as I am. I also learned that as a pretty girl, I don’t need to hide myself.

I also have stopped taking too much notice of the critical people at work, or anywhere else, who judge my shyness. Because having people judging the thing you do is like a brake, but I finally know how to avoid the sadness of being judged/criticised by people.

It may seem strange but I feel much more beautiful now, my inner voice which always used to criticise me has changed radically and this inner voice is now much more kind and nicer and has beautiful thoughts.

Joanne Vane, Analyst, London

Thank you for changing my life.

This course and the help I received from the group have made small changes every week that are now making differences to my everyday life.

Alan Quine, programmer, Londo

Now making a big difference to my everyday life

Thank you for changing my life. This course and the help I received from the group has made small changes every week that now make differences to my everyday life. That’s a big thing and the effects we’ve all seen are real.

Thank you, Claire, for dedicating so much of your effort and time to other people’s progression towards how they want to be.

Your enthusiasm and persistence and belief have been fundamental to the success of the course.

Alan Quine, programmer, London

Excellent value for money.

One, it worked, and two so many other therapies are way more expensive and haven’t worked […] I have been a depressive all my life.

I was hoping to build up my confidence, which I did, and I found, without focusing on it, that my anxiety and stress plummeted, especially in social situations.

Jane, PA, London

Chronic Depressive

Excellent value for money. One, it worked, and two so many other therapies are way more expensive and haven’t worked.

I have been a depressive all my life. As a chronic depressive – the depression was of a low but pretty constant degree – I went undiagnosed for years.

So for years I had no understanding of what was wrong with me. I never fit in, never got on with others, always a loner – and lonely.

Anyway, I somehow made enough progress to go looking for a course. I pretty much found one option, Claire and Making Moves. I liked the sound of it and went for it.

I wouldn’t normally commit to a course but somehow I was at the stage to try it. I was in desperate need to do something really different.

I was hoping to build up my confidence, which I did in, and I found, without focusing on it, that my anxiety and stress plummeted, especially in social situations – a revelation!

Making Moves Courses are cheap for what they are.

Jane, PA, London

The strongest memory of the course was the fun – I enjoyed it immensely.

Since I’ve finished the course I see the possibility of reducing or eliminating my problems as more real.  I still feel stuck but the glue is not so binding.

Working together with others and feeling the positive energy from them. I have increased hope now, I do feel I could move on still more in time – the journey has begun. 

Ron P. Driver, London

Increased hope

Before I joined the course I had concerns as to what would be demanded of me and how I would interact with others. Would I cope?

I felt that my problems may be less than others and therefore might be taking the place of someone more worthy.

The strongest memory of the course was the fun – I enjoyed it immensely. Laughing, playing and working dramas out together. I enjoyed playing the lively characters, I found it gave me scope to be creative and expressive. Achieving a creative piece of drama that gave joy to others and stirred a giggle or two.

Since I’ve finished the course I see the possibility of reducing or eliminating my problems as more real.  I still feel stuck but the glue is not so binding.

Working together with others and feeling the positive energy from them. I have increased hope now, I do feel I could move on still more in time – the journey has begun.

Making yourself vulnerable needs a degree of trust and good friends can be made in this unique melting pot.

Ron P, driver London

Breakthrough Group Details and Booking


Date: February 11th – 29th April 2025
Times: 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Venue: Magdalen Centre, Euston, London
Tubes: Euston/Mornington Crescent
How to find the venue

If you are paying for yourself: £395, which can be paid in instalments.
If your employer is paying for you: From £420 (see booking page)

A PLACE HAS COME AVAILABLE. Please get in touch.

NEXT COURSE: 6-week intensive June 18th- July 23rd 6-9.30pm

Booking your place

There are limited spaces in the course so book as soon as possible. You can book online through our booking system.

Or, get in touch through the enquiry form below to express interest in the course.

Have some concerns about joining the course?

You are welcome to book an informal consultation on the phone if you’re not sure if this is the right course for you.

Next course start dates

Courses start in January/February, May (please check the calendar) and September- see our calendar.

The No Moves Money-Back Guarantee

We don’t want you to waste your money. There is why we offer a 100% money-back guarantee if this is your first Sunflower Effect® course. This course has a very high success rate for people who complete the course. Every participant comes away from the course feeling they have made a significant shift

If you have gained nothing from the course, we will refund the total amount we received from you (less the fees the card company charges if you have paid through our online booking system). See details.

How to find the Magdalen Centre (next to St Mary’s Church)

Or you may like to consider one of these options

All of these courses are aimed at beginners.

Introductory Evening

Curious about what it would be like to join the Breakthrough Group?

This Introductory Evening will enable you to have a taste of the course.

Many participants do this as added insurance before they book their place.

Finding Your Voice

Terrified of speaking in front of groups (public speaking?

This course is unique in that it will actually dissolve the symptoms that cause so much stress: panic attacks, beating heart, blushing etc.

This course is the natural follow-on to the Breakthrough Group, but many participants choose to do Breakthrough first.

“I Don’t Know What To Say”

Do you struggle in social situations?

Many people come into Breakthrough due to social anxiety. And follow up with this course.

Never again be stumped for something to say by joining the Improvisation for Social Confidence course. See which course is going to be the best fit for you

Express Yourself Workshop

Not able to join the Breakthrough Group for a while? This can be a wonderful way of getting started.

Many people do this workshop in combination with the course, as the more experience you have of the Sunflower Effect, the more progress you are going to make.

Still not sure?

It is very natural to have concerns, particularly if you’ve just discovered this website. You may have more questions about practicalities, want to know more about what it’s like to participate or want to understand more about how the Sunflower Effect® works?

We are here to support you. The hardest part for many people is getting to the point of being able to sign up for the course. Half of the work of the course is overcoming your doubts, fears and natural resistance.

If you’ve been battling with these issues for many years, or have paid out a lot of money for solutions that haven’t worked, you are going to have concerns.

See if any of this information answers your questions.

Breakthrough Enquiry

To ask us or tell us about anything else – if you’re not yet ready to book. We’ll be back in touch as soon as possible.

  • You can include here, too, any questions you might have or more information that you may need about the course.
  • In case we need to reach you by phone

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