
Playing the Fool Workshop

20th July 10.30-5.30 PM

A one-day workshop on overcoming your fear of looking foolish

Are you afraid of looking foolish or stupid in case other people laugh at you or judge you?

…..so you hold back from expressing yourself in many situations?

Are you afraid of looking foolish or stupid in case other people laugh at you or judge you?

….so you hold back from expressing yourself in many situations?

Maybe you were shamed as a child for “being silly”, and this is still affecting you today.

Yet there are some people who make their living out of playing the fool and are socially popular because of their ability to be amusing.

The Fool in Tarot is the one who is depicted as super-optimistically stepping out into the unknown.

He doesn’t care or worry about the dangers that lie ahead – because he knows that through his foolishness (or cleverness) it will all work out just fine.

This is why we see him about to step off the edge of a cliff without any concern.

Would you like to have a bit of the Fool’s confidence in taking risks and less concerned about playing it safe?

The Fool is not necessarily stupid. He just doesn’t need to show the world how smart he is.

Fool Workshop, overcome your fear of looking foolish

Find your light-hearted humourous side, no matter how serious you are, the fast, fun and creative way

In this one-day confidence workshop, you will have an opportunity to Play the Fool, discover the playful side of you and your natural capacity to express yourself without fear of judgement. 

A safe place

A safe environment with other people who feel in the same boat as you. And are 100% committed in supporting you in getting the most out of the day.

Overcome fears and limitations

Make shifts in the area of self-expression, and self-consciousness. And overcome your fears of looking foolish.

Build confidence

Find the natural Fool who lives inside you. . And counteract the effects of having your confidence undermined in the past.

Details of next workshop

Find your light-hearted humourous side, no matter how serious you are, the fast, fun and creative way

In this one-day confidence workshop, you will have an opportunity to Play the Fool, discover the playful side of you and your natural capacity to express yourself without fear of judgment. 

A safe place

A safe environment with other people who feel in the same boat as you and are 100% committed in supporting you in getting the most out of the day.

Overcome your fear of looking foolish

Make shifts in the area of self-expression, and self-consciousness. And overcome your fears of looking foolish.

Build confidence

Find the natural Fool who lives inside you. And counteract the effects of having your confidence undermined in the past.

Details of workshop

The Fool is not worried about other people’s laughter because the Fool loves to create laughter. Imagine what it would be like, to be like that. It will open so many doors in so many areas of your life.”

Claire Schrader, founder of the Sunflower Effect

The Playing the Fool Workshop is designed for you if:

  • You want to play more in life – and have a whole lot more fun?
  • You want to overcome your fear of looking foolish and to care less about what other people think of you.
  • Want to stretch out of your comfort zone way beyond your normal limitBECAUSE you know how fulfilling and empowering that can be!
  • Want to have a fun weekend with a great bunch of people doing something you never thought you could – playing the fool?
  • You want to get better and feel more comfortable performing in front of groups.
  • You feel restricted and inhibited and want to express yourself in a more natural way that looks and feels good.
  • You feel a desire to be creative but you feel blocked from expressing yourself creatively.

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What happens during the workshop?

The workshop will provide a context to express yourself in a safe environment with other people who are afraid of looking foolish and are 100% committed to supporting you in making breakthroughs in the areas of self-expression, confidence, and overcoming your fears of looking foolish.

Over the course of the day, you will participate in a series of experiential exercises in which you will enable you to discover your personal Fool

We aim to create an informal, relaxed, non-judgmental atmosphere that will quickly put you at ease, and free you of the internal pressures that normally inhibit you from expressing yourself.

This will enable you to shift out of habitual modes of being and play out the many aspects of yourself that have been suppressed as a result of negative experiences in the past.

Fun and laughter are a very important part of the process. You will have an opportunity to discover the innocence and freedom of being a child at play. This is particularly important if you are someone who gets caught up in the serious things of life or doesn’t even think that you can play.

Gradually through the day a “new you” will begin to emerge. For some people, this is like a light bulb going off – and they will be surprised at how easy it is to express themselves.

By the end of the day, you will feel the walls that have kept you locked away begin to melt away. Many people say this process continues after the workshop has finished.

We will be working through a specially adapted form of drama (The Sunflower Effect) based on Claire’s experience of being a shy introvert and what really worked in getting her out of her shell.

The Sunflower Effect draws on the most effective personal development tools that will enable you to make a significant shift in the way you express yourself in your life.

The Sunflower Effect™ confidence building courses have worked for countless people with confidence issues.

Even those who doubted that anything would ever work for them. See their stories.

If you’ve participated in my other workshops and courses, this will take you to a much deeper level of freedom, exploring your foolish side of you.

We will be working through a specially adapted form of drama (The Sunflower Effect) based on Claire’s experience of being a shy introvert and what really worked in getting her out of her shell.

The Sunflower Effect draws on the most effective personal development tools that will enable you to make a significant shift in the way you express yourself in your life.

The Sunflower Effect™ confidence building courses have worked for countless people with confidence issues.

Even those who doubted that anything would ever work for them. See their stories.

If you’ve participated in my other workshops and courses, this will take you to a much deeper level of freedom, exploring your foolish side of you.

Good to know

This workshop is aimed at newcomers and previous participants. No previous experience is needed other than a willingness to “have a go”.  A fun and informal place to break through your barriers to expressing yourself with a lovely group of people who feel in the same boat as you.

Many people attending my 12-week courses participate in the one day workshops, as the combination of the weekly sessions with the intense one-day experience is very powerful.

It will help you to progress faster, as it just gives you a whole lot more practice and exposure to what we do on the courses. It’s also a great place as a refresher to build on what you have achieved in the past.

Jump to workshop details

What participants have said about similar workshops

Click the full review for a more detailed account of the participant’s experience of the course.

One of the most fun and liberating experiences that I have ever come across…

Drama helps to bring forth hidden depths of our multi-faceted selves. The spontaneity involved lets you free the mind and get you to a place where you can just ‘be’.

I thoroughly enjoyed the day and found the whole process good fun!

Bipin C. London, archivist 5 star review on Hotcourses

One of the most fun and liberating experiences that I have ever come across…

I did the 1 day express yourself workshop and can happily say that it was one of the most fun and liberating experiences that I have ever come across. Claire is very accommodating and encouraging and this helped everyone to relax and flow. The workshop was a fun and explorative process that brings out various facets of one’s personality.

I believe as people we are more than our perceived roles we hold in our day to day lives. Drama helps to bring forth hidden depths of our multi-faceted selves. The spontaneity involved lets you free the mind and get you to a place where you can just ‘be’. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and found the whole process good fun!

Bipin C. London, archivist

This workshop was such a tonic

I haven’t had so much real fun like that for such a long time.

It has helped in getting to know my real self and not the ‘responsible adult’ that I have had to become being a parent

The experience was so worthwhile to me.

Linda Gamin

This workshop was such a tonic

This workshop was such a tonic. I haven’t had so much real fun like that for such a long time.

It put me in touch with feelings (such as abandonment to having fun and not caring about how i looked) that I haven’t really felt since i was about 14.

It has helped in getting to know my real self and not the ‘responsible adult’ that I have had to become being a parent for nearly 30 years. I really liked getting to know the others and sharing the fun, truths and honesty about our feelings.

It was a great group. Thank you for your kind and gentle direction. The experience was so worthwhile to me.

Linda Gamin

Thank you for a truly transformative day

The effects went far deeper than I thought

Playing the different characters was truly liberating.

On Monday, I realised I wasn’t setting off for work with the usual sense of dread.  Instead, I felt a quiet calm. I suddenly noticed that I’m speaking more clearly and confidently and so far I haven’t heard myself apologising for sounding muddled.

Mary Baker

Huge progress

Thank you for a truly transformative day on Saturday.  The effects went far deeper than I thought

I felt more and more tired during the afternoon and when I got home, I just collapsed on the sofa, but I already felt much freer

Playing the different characters was truly liberating.

On Monday, I realised I wasn’t setting off for work with the usual sense of dread.  Instead, I felt a quiet calm

The resentment I felt towards my colleague’s behaviour has gone and I am finding it easier to let her get on with it without entering into her drama. 

I suddenly noticed that I’m speaking more clearly and confidently and so far I haven’t heard myself apologising for sounding muddled.  This is huge progress..

Mary Baker

We were bound together by our same struggles with the world

I enjoyed being able to do something I never usually do i.e. stand up and perform, deliberately draw attention to myself.

Since the workshop, I’ve been more willing to just get on with speaking to people etc. without feeling I have to say the “right thing”. I also feel that I am more willing to feel vulnerable. That my vulnerable self might be “ok”.

I am putting myself a bit more “out there” with less concern for what other people might think of me.

Sarah S. Teacher

I am putting myself more “out there” with less concern for what other people might think of me

I was excited about the workshop and feeling it was important for me. But also feeling that maybe it wouldn’t help me, might not be any good, or that the people taking part would be scary in some way.

Meeting the other participants, I saw their problems, the reasons why they were attending, all sounded so similar to mine. No matter how we all seemed on the outside (whether seemingly shy or seemingly confident) – we were bound together by our same struggles with the world.

I enjoyed being able to do something I never usually do ie stand up and perform, deliberately draw attention to myself. I was particularly impressed because for the first “performance” I really was devoid of ideas and sceptical of how it would go and yet I found on the spur of the moment quite a powerful way to express fear, and felt it was “me” too.

Since the workshop, I’ve been more willing to just get on with speaking to people etc without feeling I have to say the “right thing”. I also feel that I am more willing to feel vulnerable. That my vulnerable self might be “ok” and I don’t have to make myself better than this. I am putting myself a bit more “out there” with less concern for what other people might think of me.

Sarah S, teacher

I was able to do things which would normally make me feel too self-conscious

I so enjoyed the workshop on Sunday, I kept chuckling to myself when I thought of the funny bits. 

Thank you Claire! It was the most fun time I have had for ages and I was able to do things which would normally make me feel too self-conscious.  It was an absolute pleasure meeting everyone.

Maureen Colston

An excellent way to practice socializing and speaking in public

I was a little apprehensive before signing up.

The workshop reminded of the positive feelings I have when I get more into my body and out of my head and how fun it can be to socialize and work in groups.

After the workshop, I feel more confident and relaxed with a greater willingness to express myself in a variety of situations.

Michael (visiting from the US) 5-star review on Hotcourses July 2019

An excellent way to practice socializing and speaking in public

It was a fun and useful workshop that was an excellent way to practice socializing and speaking in public in a very safe supportive setting. We were a total of eight participants.

We were pretty quiet and reserved at the beginning the day, but we really had fun together and everyone opened up so much as the day went on.

After the workshop, I feel more confident and relaxed with a greater willingness to express myself in a variety of situations. The workshop reminded of the positive feelings I have when I get more into my body and out of my head and how fun it can be to socialize and work in groups.

It also reawakened the awareness that my personality has many different aspects or “characters” rather than the narrower self-image I generally have (i.e., I should only behave in a certain “right” way), which opens up more possibilities for interacting with the world.

I was a little apprehensive before signing up, but I’m very glad I did. It’s not easy finding a way to practice social skills in a very safe and supportive setting, but this workshop definitely does that.

Michael (visiting from the US) 5 star review on Hotcourses July 2019

Playing the Fool Workshop Details and Booking

Date: 20th July 2024
Times: 10.30 am – 5.30 pm
Venue: The Grove Neighbourhood Centre, Hammersmith See Venue details
Tube: Ravenscourt Park (District & Cicle Line)
Facilitator: Claire Schrader

If you are paying for yourself: £115 (includes £40 non-refundable deposit)
If your employer is paying for you: £185 (regular employers) £125(charities)

Booking your place

There are limited spaces on the workshop so book as soon as possible. You can book online through our booking system.

Or, get in touch through the enquiry form below to express interest in the workshop. You are welcome to book an informal consultation on the phone if you’re not sure if the workshop is the best way to get started for you.

Before you book, we recommend you read all the important information about our Terms and Conditions, our Cancellation Policy and the Sunflower Effect Money Back Guarantee. In booking the workshop, you will be confirming that you are in agreement with these terms and conditions.

The No Moves Money-Back Guarantee

Quite understandably, if you are new to the Sunflower Effect you don’t want to commit yourself to something that might turn out to be a waste of time and money. This is why we offer a money-back guarantee if this is your first Sunflower Effect event.

NOTE Because breaking out of your shell is a complex process, and everyone’s process is different and this workshop is designed to get you started. However, most people feel a significant shift by the end of the workshop.

If you have gained nothing from the workshop, we will refund the total amount we received from you (less the fees the car company charges if you have paid through our online booking system). See details.

Many people go on afterwards to join one of these courses

All of these courses are suitable for beginners.

Breakthrough Group

Shy, self-conscious or anxious? Many people have come into this course absolutely frozen with fear, and by the end of the course have completely put their fears and inhibitions behind them.

Finding Your Voice 

Terrified of speaking in front of groups (public speaking? This course is unique in that it will actually dissolve the symptoms that cause so much stress: panic attacks, beating heart, blushing etc.

“I Don’t Know What To Say”

Do you struggle in social situations? Never again be stumped for something to say. This improvisation based course is the most effective way we know of getting over the “I don’t know what to say” syndrome.

Breakthrough Plus

It’s difficult to build confidence when you’ve had painful experiences in the past that have left deep scars. Join this intensive weekend course and discover how you can reverse these effects much faster than years in therapy.

Many people go on afterwards to join one of these courses

All of these courses are suitable for beginners.

I Don’t Know What to Say

Do you struggle in social situations? Never again be stumped for something to say. This improvisation based course is the most effective way we know of getting over the “I don’t know what to say” syndrome.

Breakthrough Group

Shy, self-conscious or anxious people. Many people have come into this course absolutely frozen with fear, and by the end of the course have completely put their fears and inhibitions behind them.

Finding Your Voice

Terrified of speaking in front of groups (public speaking? This course is unique in that it will actually dissolve the symptoms that cause so much stress: panic attacks, beating heart, blushing etc

Breakthrough Plus

There’s a powerful link between confidence and self-esteem, and this is why it’s often so difficult to maintain confidence when you’ve had painful experiences in the past.

Join Breakthrough Plus, an intensive two weekend course and discover how you can reverse the effects of these experiences much faster and more effectively than years in therapy as our participants can testify.

What progress will I make through the Sunflower Effect?

Everyone who attends our workshops is amazed at what they have achieved in just one day. The workshop reviews are typical of what people get out of the workshop.

For those who persist in this process will see dramatic results in how they express themselves in their life.

If you continue with the Sunflower Effect you will see significant changes in your confidence levels, and in how other people relate to you. As well as having greater energy and enjoyment in life. See the Sunflower Manifesto as to what you can expect.

Still not sure about booking?

It is very natural to have concerns, particularly if you’ve just discovered this website, haven’t yet met us or experienced any other event.

This may be because you want to know more about how it works. See this article on how to build confidence through the Sunflower Effect.

You may be wondering who gets the most out of it. Or have more questions about practicalities, or want to know more about what it’s like to participate

We are here to support you.

See if any of this information in our support documentation answers your questions.

Booking Enquiry

All information you give here is strictly confidential and will not be divulged to a third party for any reason.

  • In case we need to contact you in order to answer your questions.
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