Speak with Charisma

A 12-week public speaking course for introverts and quiet speakers

how to speak with charisma, speak with authority,  public speaking for introverts


What if you could speak so your listeners were hanging on your every word? Even if you would describe yourself as an introvert or a quiet person.

how to speak with charisma, speak with authority, public speaking

Charisma is a rare quality…

We know when we see it because we feel compelled to listen to those who have it. There is a magic about them.

We notice them as soon as they walk into a room.

We are so inspired by what they say that we find ourselves almost as enthusiastic as they are about the thing they are speaking about. They have a way of communicating that brings us alive and makes us feel good.

What if you, too had the ability to do this? Just think what difference this could make to you in your life.

In truth, charisma is not God-given. It is something that can be learned and developed.

When you are able to draw on its magic, your communication can truly be effortless – whether it’s delivering a presentation, speaking in meetings, promoting yourself or your services, or expressing your opinion in a more informal setting.

See what participants say about the course

The Speak with Charisma Course is designed for you if…

  • If you are an introvert or a quiet speaker and you want to be able to inspire your listeners and overcome your tendency to doubt yourself and your abilities.
  • You have a certain amount of confidence in speaking in front of groups. You’ve got over your nerves. But you know there’s a whole lot further for you to go in terms of how you communicate with an audience.
  • You want to feel more comfortable promoting yourself, your ideas or a cause you believe in. This is especially hard for introverts and quiet people.
  • You just know that some part of you is hiding and keeping you away from the success that is rightfully yours. This is experienced by the majority of introverts.
  • You want to be seen, valued and recognised by the people who are important to you in your life and your career.

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The Speak with Charisma Course is designed for you if…

  • If you are an introvert or a quiet speaker and you want to be able to inspire your listeners and overcome your tendency to doubt yourself and your abilities.
  • You have a certain amount of confidence in speaking in front of groups. You’ve got over your nerves. But you know there’s a whole lot further for you to go in terms of how you communicate with an audience.
  • You want to feel more comfortable promoting yourself, your ideas or a cause you believe in. This is especially hard for introverts and quiet people.
  • You just know that some part of you is hiding and keeping you away from the success that is rightfully yours. This is experienced by the majority of introverts.
  • You want to be seen, valued and recognised by the people who are important to you in your life and your career.

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What happens on the course

The Charisma Course is a public speaking course with a big difference.

It is unique in that it is working through the Sunflower Effect®, a powerful confidence-building system which is designed for quiet, shy and introverted people. It draws on the power of drama and will enable you to communicate in a more authentic and natural way.

You will learn:

  • Powerful communication exercises designed for introverts and quiet speakers that will enable you to get across your message in a way that others will listen to you. A common issue for quieter people is they feel that they cannot express their ideas in a compelling enough way for others to hear them.
  • How to awaken the charismatic potential that lives dormant within you even if you don’t think you have it.
  • How to develop presence and authority as a quiet speaker.
  • Magical exercises that will enable you to access the natural potential within you through unique drama structures.
  • How to prepare before an important meeting/presentation so you can perform at your best.
  • What is your charisma style – everyone has one.
  • How to access the higher resources within you.

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You will learn:

  • Powerful communication exercises designed for introverts and quiet speakers that will enable you to get across your message in a way that others will listen to you. A common issue for quieter people is they feel that they cannot express their ideas in a compelling enough way for others to hear them.
  • How to awaken the charismatic potential that lives dormant within you.
  • How to develop presence and authority as a quiet speaker,
  • Magical exercises that will enable you to access the natural potential within you through unique drama structures.
  • How to prepare before an important meeting/presentation so you can perform at your best.
  • What is your charisma style – everyone has one.
  • How to access the higher resources within you.

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how to speak with charisma, speak with authority

Participant Jaycee La Bouche inspiring her listeners at the book launch of From Wallflower to Sunflower

You will go beyond holding everything you want to say in your head – and then spouting it out.

Instead, you will be learning how to speak from a place of “magic” within you, where you naturally find the words that most powerfully communicate your message. This is what the most inspired speakers do.

You’ll also have lots of opportunities to practice and develop your speaking skills and stretch way further than you thought you could – in a safe environment with a great bunch of people who will support you to the hilt.

At the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to deliver a short talk, on a subject of your choosing, which will be videoed. The results from this exercise are outstanding.

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What you’re likely to get out of the course

We see significant results for people who attend the course. These include:

  • Greater confidence when speaking, pitching an idea or promoting yourself.
  • The ability to speak with power and authority.
  • A dramatic shift from the beginning of the course to the end. High levels of professionalism in speaking without spending years learning techniques that are easily lost or forgotten
  • Greater self-belief and trust in yourself and your abilities
  • You will discover hidden talents and abilities that you never knew you had. In time these will strengthen your confidence and speaking skills.

What you’re likely to get out of the course

We see significant results for people who attend the course. These include:

  • Greater confidence when speaking, pitching an idea or promoting yourself.
  • The ability to speak with power and authority.
  • A dramatic shift from the beginning of the course to the end. High levels of professionalism in speaking without spending years learning techniques that are easily lost or forgotten
  • Greater self-belief and trust in yourself and your abilities
  • You will discover hidden talents and abilities that you never knew you had. In time these will strengthen your confidence and speaking skills.

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What participants have said about the Charisma Course

Most of these reviews are verified on Findcourses.co.uk. Click the full review for a more detailed account of the participant’s experience of the course.

It was amazing!

I learned so much about myself during the course. I have always been uncomfortable speaking in groups, especially when I am not familiar with the people in a group or the content I am talking about.

This course has given me the tools to speak up in unfamiliar situations and to manage any anxiety, which I am able to use during both my social and professional life at work.

Olivia K, Chartered Accountant

It was amazing!

The Charisma course was the second of Claire’s courses I have attended and it was amazing.

I learned so much about myself during the course. I have always been uncomfortable speaking in groups, especially when I am not familiar with the people in a group or the content I am talking about.

This course has given me the tools to speak up in unfamiliar situations and to manage any anxiety I may experience during these situations to keep pushing to get my message across, which I am able to use during both my social and professional life at work.

The course taught me that speaking with charisma is a learned skill and anyone can do it.

Claire is a great teacher and person and this comes across during the course because there is no judgement from her.  She is very encouraging and allows you to be yourself while providing gentle encouragement to try different things.

I would encourage you to attend this course if, like m,e you are a shy person who experiences anxiety when having to speak in groups or do public speaking or even someone who is good with public speaking and would like to add some more tools to your toolbox… there is always something new to learn from Claire’s courses!

Olivia K, Chartered Accountant


The Charisma Course was a lot of fun and the environment and the other people I met on the course were really supportive and encouraging.

The exercises carried out are unique. Something you can repeat by yourself to continue the work of the course. It has definitely made me feel more confident speaking in front of people.

Thank you once again for such a supportive, fun and innovative course.

Sally, health professional, verified review on FindCourses

One of the best decisions I’ve ever made 

Going on Claire’s course was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I feel happier in myself and am really proud of what I achieved.

Lucy, marketing professional verified review on FindCourses


I cannot emphasise how fabulous Claire’s courses are. I went in with a deep anxiety about public speaking. I’ve since come out of the course with a complete change of heart.

Claire is kind, perceptive and sees everyone’s unique potential.

Genuinely, so glad I decided to do this.

Sal, film-maker, verified review on FindCourses

Doing the course on Zoom

Having done the in-person courses and loved them, I was curious to see how it would translate on Zoom. I was not disappointed, with the break-out option within Zoom and Claire’s skill at teaching I don’t feel that I lost anything by not being in person.

In fact, in some ways it made me feel more confident and less self-conscious as I was in my own space at home.

Thank you Claire for delivering yet another excellent and life-changing course.

Catherine Crompton, Pilates Teacher

Doing the course on zoom

I was thrilled when Claire decided to run the course via Zoom, this opened up the possibility of doing it whereas otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to (as I can’t presently get to the venues).

Having done the in-person courses, and loved them, I was curious to see how it would translate on Zoom. I was not disappointed, with the break out option within Zoom and Claire’s skill at teaching I don’t feel that I lost anything by not being in person.

In fact, in some ways it made me feel more confident and less self-conscious as I was in my own space at home. It was exciting to see who we were going to work with when Claire put us into groups, rather than feeling like nobody might pick me when choosing partners.

The course was excellent and I would do it again and again as there is so much content to go over and practise.

Thank you Claire for delivering yet another excellent and life-changing course and for navigating the technology with such ease and professionalism.

Catherine Crompton, Pilates Teacher

Coming out of one’s comfort zone cannot happen in theory

I think what is particularly great about Making Moves courses is that they make you do things, you would probably never do elsewhere.

Things like responding to the immediacy of the situation – may seem easy in theory, but in practice there is not much space to practise them in our everyday life.

But the trick is that coming out of one’s comfort zone cannot happen in theory, it needs to be a real experience – and Claire’s courses will definitely make this experience happen.

Ksenia, Gallery Assistant, London

The course is limited to ten people

Speak with Charisma Details and Booking

Date: 6th February – 1st May 2025 (17th April Easter Break)
Times: 6 PM – 7:30 PM
Venue: The Upper Room, 8 Greenland Street, London NW1 0ND
Tubes: Camden Town
How to find the venue

If you are paying for yourself: £370 which can be paid in instalments.
If your employer is paying for you: From £390 (see booking page)

Booking your place

There are limited spaces on the course so book as soon as possible. You can book online through our booking system.

Please note: it is fine to miss one or two sessions and still get enormous value from the course.

You are welcome to book an informal consultation on the phone if you’re not sure if this is the right course for you. Or, get in touch through the enquiry form below to express interest in the course.

The No Moves Money-Back Guarantee

We don’t want you to waste your money. There is why we offer a 100% money-back guarantee if this is your first Sunflower Effect Course.

There is a very high success rate from this course.

However, if this is your first course, and you have gained nothing from the course we will refund you money in total (less a small admin fee if you have paid by card). See our full terms and conditions.

When will the next course run?

We run this course once and occasionally twice a year, alternating with other advanced courses. See the calendar for planned dates of future courses. Or get in touch below.

Booking Enquiry

All information you give here is strictly confidential and will not be divulged to a third party for any reason.

  • In case we need to contact you in order to answer your questions.

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