
Free Chapters: From Wallflower to Sunflower

Discover how I started out in life as the proverbial wallflower with minimal confidence

Until I stumbled by chance on an effective way to say goodbye to my life as a wallflower in a matter of a few months

Subscribe to our newsletter and download three chapters from my book From Wallflower to Sunflower

In these chapters you’ll discover:

  • Why you’re not alone, and why more people are identifying themselves as wallflowers.
  • The biggest mistakes that wallflowers make when they are trying to build confidence.
  • How the Sunflower Effect is the most effective way to break old habits and create new patterns of confident behaviour.

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When you sign up, you’ll also receive regular free resources, tips and support for your journey to greater confidence, as well as information about the highly effective Sunflower Effect Confidence Courses.

Watch the video and information below to find out more about the book

Claire Schrade’s book:  From Wallflower to Sunflower – the quiet person’s path to natural self-confidence  is available on Amazon (£14.99)

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Need to know more about the chapters before you sign up?

I hope the information below answers your questions.

Who is this for?

These free chapters are designed for you if:

  • You’ve never felt or experienced yourself as particularly confident. Maybe like me, you were shy as a child, and it’s still with you in some way. Or you’ve always been inhibited and self-conscious or you had a tough upbringing, which you’ve never really recovered from.
  • There are certain situations where your confidence utterly deserts you e.g. speaking in front of a group, meeting new people, delivering a presentation, communicating with challenging people. You may have no idea why that is.
  • Your confidence has been undermined due to challenging life events. This could be a relationship breakdown, a work situation, a series of “things going wrong” or events in your family or personal life. You might have felt or experienced yourself as confident, at some point, but now it‘s as if you never had it. (This is very common.)
  • You know you could be doing an awful lot more with your life than you are, but you’re hiding yourself away. because you lack the one thing that you really need: the confidence and self-belief to achieve your goals. Maybe, too, you’ve got numerous qualifications/letters after your name, but you’re not doing anything with any of them

These chapters are completely free and there are no catches

I started out in life as a shy introvert with minimal confidence and low self-esteem until I discovered the magical solution to my problems.

I’ve been helping quieter people from all walks of life since 1997 to transform their lives. Even people who had completely given up hope that their prospects were ever going to change.

Claire Schrader at 9 years old

Don’t want more junk in your inbox?

I understand, I hate junk too. But read some of the spontaneous, unasked-for comments from readers, which is a sampling of the kind of things people write to me as a result of receiving my newsletter and or one of my free offerings.

If at any point after subscribing,  you don’t wish to receive the newsletter or confidence resources, you can easily unsubscribe by clicking a link at the bottom of any newsletter you receive from me.

Of course, if you like what you have seen, go ahead and subscribe. I don’t believe you’ll be disappointed.

What readers say about the book From Wallflower to Sunflower

Stephen Mc Mullan5.0 out of 5 stars
Freedom from the straightjacket of shyness really is possible!

Verified Purchase

Having just finished this book, I feel so full of hope and excitement that I’m compelled to write my first ever Amazon review.

As someone who has spent life feeling trapped in the straightjacket of shyness, I now feel confident the author has just shown me the way to escape.
I’ve always been fascinated by famous actors or performers who, when interviewed, would claim to have been very shy in the past. I would scream at the television, pleading for them to share the secret of how they’d overcome that. No answer ever came.

Thankfully this book answers the question because the author knows how it feels to be trapped in the prison of self-consciousness and shyness and, having discovered the escape route for herself, she is clearly passionate about helping others find freedom also.
The story of her own personal journey is moving and inspiring.

The creative methods she has developed over years of helping people break out of their comfort zone intuitively make sense to me, but they also seem to blend together principles of some well established, proven psychological therapies in a fresh and creative new way.

It goes without saying that navigating this journey towards a more confident version of myself will require a lot of courage and effort on my part. However, I finally feel like I have a map to guide me there and that surely has to be a great start. See review on Amazon

Amazon Customer5.0 out of 5 stars
this book will give you a thorough insight into how using drama in a safe space can bring about amazing healing and empowerment
25 March 2017

From Wallflower to Sunflower is a superb book that must be bought and read. If you haven’t yet had the opportunity to discover the work of Claire Schrader, this book will give you a thorough insight into how using drama in a safe space can bring about amazing healing and empowerment.

There are various exercises and techniques which I am already using in my life to make sure I don’t resort to my ‘wallflower’ tendencies and be the ‘sunflower’ that I am!

Also weaved into the book are Claire’s own struggles and how she found solutions and healing from a quiet and shy girl to one of absolute self-belief and confidence. See review on Amazon

Justine 5.0 out of 5 stars  A guideline book to help moving from shyness to confidence Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 28 October 2020 Verified Purchase

I really loved reading this book. It made me understand so much about the process I was going on, where I could precisely move from blockages to opening like a flower in a practical way into my life. it gives you lots of tips, understanding and exercises to practice with. I really enjoyed reading it and would truly recommend it for anyone going through this process of wallflower to sunflower. Claire, the writer is a very compassionate person who can deeply understand this process as she went through it herself and the breakthrough too. I have done courses with her and helped me in a moment of my life I needed to.

Many thanks for this book and help. See review on Amazon

More information

Blog post about the book

Visit the book’s website and find out more about the book, including videos and photographs from the book launch, resources and inspiration.

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