Highly effective 12-week improv class to overcome social anxiety
New video testimonials of participants speaking about their experiences of the course
Are you afraid you might say or do the wrong thing?
Do you avoid failure at all costs because of experiences that have happened in the past, or because you were heavily criticised at work or in your family?
If you are an analytic kind of person (you may be an introvert), then this will be your default mode. You’ve got this internal critic that never lets up, and is constantly criticising everything you say and do.
No wonder you get blocked and begin to panic.
Being left-brain dominant
Most of us have become left-brain dominant because of the way we’ve been educated, and we don’t know how to activate our powerful and more creative right brain.
The I Don’t Know What to Say, Improvisation Course for social confidence is probably the most effective way of getting over the “I don’t know what to say” syndrome. This is because it uses a specialised form of theatre improvisation (developed by Claire Schrader) to bypass the inner critic and activate your creative right brain.
It can be easily learned, and once you’ve got the hang of it, it will change your life forever in this area. You will be amazed at what starts to come out of your mouth without having to think about it. Things you don’t believe you could ever have thought of.
It’s also great for building self-confidence, releasing creativity, and overcoming inhibitions.
No More Social Anxiety
As an introvert, who was once very inhibited in social situations, the skills that I learned through improvisation literally changed my life.
I discovered how to be witty, playful and humorous in social situations – and so much more.
In fact I still use those skills today, and I wouldn’t have achieved half the things I have in my life without them.
“I Don’t Know What to Say” Improvisation Course for Social Confidence
The course is designed for you for any of these reasons:
- You often get tongue-tied, dry up when under pressure, dread the moment when you are asked to contribute in a meeting or a social situation, or you never know quite what to say to people when they make a smart or playful remark.
- You’d love/want to be more spontaneous, more able to respond in the moment, and have a lot more fun and humour in your life – both in work and social situations.
- You are highly critical of yourself, afraid of failing and making mistakes.
- You would never go near a drama, improv or any kind of class where you would be required to do something that would make you feel foolish.
- You’re looking for a way to get out your head and bring yourself alive so you can express or discover more of what lives within you. You’d love to say goodbye to the inhibitions that are stopping you from expressing the real “You”.
Learning to make mistakes
“I Don’t Know What To Say” improvisation course for social confidence is a very safe environment to make mistakes and take risks. This is something that doesn’t come so easily to quieter, more reserved people. You may have a tendency to want to keep your head below the parapet and feel you don’t have the luxury to make mistakes.
You will learn the basic tools of improvisation, that will enable to respond rather than feel you need to initiate or have brilliant ideas. You will discover there is no such thing as a brilliant or creative idea. In fact, making a mistake can be the most brilliant thing you can do.
You will learn to truly to give and receive, and that by receiving fully and allowing yourself to respond in the most natural way – not from your head – but from your natural instincts
You will discover that you can contribute – without you having to do anything. If you are a habitual doer or giver, this can help to undo some of this programming.
Going with the flow
You will learn too, how to follow “positive flow” in your interactions so that an effortless flow of receiving and giving can happen.
Take this skill into your life and watch your life take on a completely different quality.
You will begin to experience more ease in your life. You will deal with challenges more effectively. And will find more synchronicity (magical coincidences) coming into your life.
You will also be able to let the many parts of yourself out of the cupboard.
The course will also build your confidence, free up spontaneity and liberate you in so many areas of your life.
How is this different from other Improv Classes?
Firstly this is not an anonymous class where you are thrown in the deep end. And where everyone else seems to know what they’re doing except you.
The course is specifically focused around confidence building and freeing yourself from internal inhibitions and constrictions. Not on how good or skilled you are at improvisation.
The course provides a light-hearted space where you will build up a high level of trust with other participants in a very safe environment.
A very important aspect of the course is the support and encouragement that you will receive from other course members.
The Sunflower Effect Courses are proven to work
The Sunflower Effect Courses have worked for hundreds of gifted and reserved people, many of whom have been struggling to make changes for many years and report the course quicker and more effective than any other approaches they have tried.
You have nothing to lose as we also offer a 100% money-back guarantee.
What participants have said about the I Don’t Know What to Say Improv Class
Most of these reviews are verified on Findcourses.co.uk. Click the full review for a more detailed account of the participant’s experience of the course.
Video Testimonials
Infinitely more than I could have hoped for when tentatively enrolling
When I joined the course, the phrase “I don’t know what to say” was all-consuming.
Simply put, I give much less of a f*** now than I did 12 weeks ago…
I would do it again without hesitation as it is easily the best decision I’ve made on my journey of self-improvement.
Colin O. legal writer
Infinitely more than I could have hoped for when tentatively enrolling
When I joined the course, the phrase “I don’t know what to say” was all-consuming. Speaking at work and even with friends, I was so worried about myself and saying the wrong things that I became the mouthpiece to the nightmare in my head.
The first few weeks were challenging, and I gave into my own self-consciousness a number of times. But Claire led by example, alleviating a lot of my doubts and helping me cultivate a more blasé attitude to being around people and speaking my mind.
This environment is unlike anything you will find in everyday life, and the freedom you are afforded is completely transferrable.
Simply put, I give much less of a f*** now than I did 12 weeks ago, and this is infinitely more than I could have hoped for when tentatively enrolling.
I would do it again without hesitation as it is easily the best decision I’ve made on my journey of self-improvement.
Colin O. legal writer
By the end, I was completely social anxiety free
I started off the programme feeling unsure of myself and afraid to be vulnerable with others.
But by the end, I was completely social anxiety free and I even had the courage to perform at several open mics.
I started attracting new friends and felt safe to be myself here. I realised that being confident lies in being present and not overthinking.
Thanks Claire for the help of a lifetime!
Lux, musician
I would recommend this kind of group and Claire to anyone.
I asked Claire if she would run an Improvisation Course as I had so enjoyed her weekend workshops.
The climate of acceptance was such that we were no longer afraid of what could come out of our mouths. It deepened our trust in ourselves and, therefore, each other, and by the end, there was a lovely feeling of togetherness in the group.
I have noticed a huge difference in my teaching work. This came as a result of feeling more confident, that I could trust myself to take risks, and the results have been quite remarkable.
Robin Shohet, Author of Supervision as Transformation: a passion for learning
I asked Claire if she would run an Improvisation Course as I had so enjoyed her weekend workshops.
At the time I was feeling a lack of imagination and I wanted to take more risks.
It was a fabulous group and that was in large measure due to how well Claire creates safety. Several of the group were nervous (including me), and I watched all of us grow and increasingly take more risks.
You have to let go of control, follow your body and let your natural impulses emerge. What comes up can be surprising, exciting, and shocking to who we think we are. But the climate of acceptance was such that we worked with it, and no longer being afraid of our bodies and what could come out of our mouths. It deepened our trust in ourselves and therefore each other, and by the end, there was a lovely feeling of togetherness in the group.
I have noticed a huge difference in my teaching work. This came as a result of feeling more confident, that I could trust myself to take risks, and the results have been quite remarkable.
I would recommend this kind of group and Claire to anyone.
Robin Shohet, Author of Supervision as Transformation: a passion for learning
Robin inspired Claire to start the “I don’t know what to say” Improvisation Group back in 2010
A brilliant way to get more confident socially.
For those who want to feel more confident in whatever way, doing one of these courses is a brilliant way to achieve a feeling of greater security in social situations.
We all found ways to be more playful, more expressive and confident by the end of the sessions.
Thelma, former teacher
A brilliant way to get more confident socially.
The thought of improvisation can be both attractive and scary.
For those who want to feel more confident in whatever way, doing one of these courses is a brilliant way to achieve a feeling of greater security in social situations.
Plus a renewed respect for the creative resources which are available to us and that playing improvisation games releases.
The course made sure that we were not ‘in our heads’ but operated in a freer and more spontaneous way.
We were a mixed group, some shy, some thoughtful, some out-going. And we all found ways to be more playful, more expressive and confident by the end of the sessions.
Thelma, former teacher
I‘m still seeing the benefits
It’s six months since I did the “I don’t know what to say” course and I’m still seeing the benefits. Thank you for the whole experience.
I surprise myself sometimes as to where my confidence comes from in relating to people.
Peregrine C, health practitioner
I know I’ll be back
These courses are addictive.
I did a weekend workshop early last year, I’ve just completed a 12-week “I don’t know what to say” improvisation course, and I know that I’ll be back in the future.
A great experience, you learn without “learning”, you have lots of fun and all while developing skills that will assist you, whatever type of work you do, or whatever your personal goals.
Marcia, Project Manager
Confidence is spilling out into my everyday life
I started off being quite nervous and scared of looking silly, ever ready to criticise myself.
Now I don’t think in that way in the group and find this confidence is spilling out into my everyday life. I’m far less likely to censor what I’m about to say and can enjoy being spontaneous and bold, even playful!
Julie, teacher
Confidence is spilling out into my everyday life.
I’ve really enjoyed the “I don’t know what to say” improv course.
I always look forward to going….
I started off being quite nervous and scared of looking silly, ever ready to criticise myself.
Now I don’t think in that way in the group and find this confidence is spilling out into my everyday life. I’m far less likely to censor what I’m about to say and can enjoy being spontaneous and bold, even playful!
I’ve still got a way to go and I’m hoping to continue the work with Claire for another session.
Julie, teacher
Healing childhood trauma
The improvisation course gave me a chance to live from my solar plexus (instincts), rather than from my conditioned mind, through my body, my emotions and by being spontaneous.
This was possible because of the safety and encouragement of the group. So I could practice being my real Self in relation to other people, which I could not be before I joined the group.
Christine D, self-employed
Healing childhood trauma
When I was a child my mother was in a very positive confident place looking after the family. She lost it and felt failure guilt and shame when criticised, blamed and rejected by my father.
Then I replaced her to look after the family and I was in this positive place trying to please and serve my father. Later, the same way as my mother, I was criticised and rejected by my brothers.
The improvisation course gave me a chance to live from my solar plexus (instincts), rather than from my conditioned mind, through my body, my emotions and by being spontaneous.
This was possible because of the safety and encouragement of the group. So I could practice being my real Self in relation to other people, which I could not be before I joined the group.
In the time in between each session, I did experience the flashback of feeling completely sick in relation to other people. And it had completely healed before I came to the next session.
Christine D, self-employed
More about Claire
Claire Schrader is an expert in confidence and self-expression and having overcome acute shyness and self-consciousness, she knows what it’s like to feel inhibited.
She will gently guide you through a process that will enable you to easily overcome your difficulties.
She also was trained by John Muirhead, one of Keith Johnstone’s actors in Theatre Machine and has adapted these techniques to help people who feel they lack self-confidence to express themselves powerfully in their personal and professional lives.
She has been running these courses since 1997 and developed the Sunflower Effect, a powerful confidence-building system based in improvisation.
I Don’t Know What to Say Details and Booking
Date: February 12th – April 30th 2025
Times: 7.30PM – 9:30 PM
Venue: Magdalen Centre, Eversholt St, Somers Town, London NW1 1BN
How to find the venue
If you are paying for yourself: £335 which can be paid in instalments.
If your employer is paying for you: From £355 (see booking page)
Booking your place
There are limited spaces in the course so book as soon as possible. You can book online through our booking system.
Or, get in touch through our enquiry form to express interest in the course.
You are welcome to book an informal consultation on the phone if you’re not sure if this is the right course for you.
Or if you experience social anxiety and are not sure if this course or the Breakthrough Group would be the best place to start. Take a look at this information on how to stop feeling socially awkward.
Next course start dates – see our calendar. Courses start January, May and September.
Please note
This is a more verbal course than our other events. The course will teach you verbal dexterity and will help you overcome any ways in which you are habitually blocking yourself in your communication with others.
You will need to commit to the whole course – you can miss sessions, but you will need to pay for them. It is fine to miss one or two sessions and still get enormous value from the course.The No Moves Money-Back Guarantee
We don’t want you to waste your money. There is why we offer a 100% money-back guarantee if this is your first Sunflower Effect course. This course has a very high success rate for people who complete the course. Every participant comes away from the course feeling they have made a significant shift
If you have gained nothing from the workshop, we will refund the total amount we received from you (less the fees the car company charges if you have paid through our online booking system). See details.
Need more information?
Here are some questions and concerns that many people have when they’re thinking about joining I Don’t Know What to Say.
Click the icon to see the answer displayed.
If you don’t find an answer here, take a look in our Support Section where we have more detailed information. We have answers to most questions.
Or see Claire’s article on the power of improvisation and its impact on success and confidence.
Or you may like to consider one of these options
Introductory Evening
Curious about what it would be like to join the course? This Introductory Evening will enable you to have a taste of the course.
Many participants do this as added insurance before they book their place.
Breakthrough Group
Shy, self-conscious or socially anxious? Many people choose to do this course first. Especially if they think they may be challenged by improvisational exercises.
Then they follow the course up with I Don’t Know What to Say.
Finding Your Voice
Terrified of speaking in front of groups (public speaking)? This course is unique in that it will actually dissolve the symptoms that cause so much stress: panic attacks, beating heart, blushing etc.
This course is a companion to the I Don’t Know What to Say Course.
Express Yourself Workshop
Not able to join “I Don’t Know What to Say” for a while? This can be a wonderful way of getting started.
Many people do this workshop in combination with “I Don’t Know What to Say” as the more experience you have of the Sunflower Effect, the more progress you are going to make.
I don’t know what to say Enquiry
To ask us or tell us about anything else if you’re not yet ready to book. We’ll be back in touch as soon as possible.
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