The value of doing more than one course

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The value of doing more than one course

Remember back to when you participated in your last course or event?

What it was like to connect with like-minded people who are all rooting for you. And what you achieved.

Perhaps your life changed as a result of doing that course; you started doing things you never thought were possible, and you felt as if you were in a new chapter of your life.

And you probably were. Most participants are staggered by the amount of change that they are able to make through the Sunflower Effect Course – even on issues that up to then have been intractable.

However, this is not how human change takes place.

Human change is like a tapestry. It evolves and grows. So by stopping at just one course you are selling yourself short.

We find that people who take a series of courses see far deeper change. They radically change their career and their prospects. They get pay rises and promotions, their relationships improve, their lives become more interesting and meaningful, and opportunities come their way seemingly from nowhere.

Most people are just on a different trajectory, finding new friends and communities, doing the things they always wanted to do in their lives, and expanding in ways they couldn’t imagine.

This is because the more practice you get working with the Sunflower Effect, the deeper you can go into the process, particularly if working with drama is fairly new to you.

This is the magic of the Sunflower Effect. If you’ve done a series of courses, you can testify to this. As this participant has done.

Investing in yourself and your personal development will pay off in the long-term

This is why investing in the Sunflower Effect Courses is so valuable.

We deliberately undercharge for these courses because we want you to flourish as a quiet person with so much to offer. There is no doubt there are distinct disadvantages to being a quiet person in a world that places far more value on extraverted skills.

But you can develop these skills and compete in your own way.

The Sunflower Effect Courses are far more effective than even the highest-priced courses at rates that you won’t find anywhere else.

Are you ready to take that next step?

Take a look at the calendar to see what is coming up next or take a look at the full range of courses we offer. Be aware that advanced courses usually only run once a year.

Do book a time to speak to me so we can devise a plan for you.

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